Friday, February 25, 2011

Thrifty Organization Items

This is a great organization tip from Positively Splendid...she created these boxes out of diaper boxes. You can use any boxes you have in your home...Kleenex boxes, packaging boxes, cereal boxes. The possibilities are endless!

DIY Tutorial {HERE}

Check out these beauties from Cottage Home and I love the fabric colors.  I'm sure many of you have some of these jars in your home...the clear ones. I know the blue ones are cute but I assume they are hard to find around here, but I know you can get them from the Internet. If you do know a place where they sell blue ones, do tell. You can put anything you name it inside these jars and they'll look great in your home...possibly in a craft room, laundry room, your daughter's room, or use it as a spring decor. 

UPDATE: There is a way to make these jars BLUE. Go {HERE} to read more.

DIY Tutorial {HERE}

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